Learning to use your camera off auto!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2017
By Tracy Williams Photography (TWSP)
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Learning how to use your camera off auto will really step up your photography game.

As a Photographer, I know my way around a camera - what all of the buttons do, what each of the functions mean, and how to change the settings to get the best results out of each and every shot.

However, I appreciate that not everyone has that knowledge. For some people, learning how to take their camera of auto and switch to manual settings is an important step in ensuring they can take great photographs. That's why I also offer Photography training. I am always happy to host an in-person or virtual photography training session to help you improve your photography knowledge and skills.

Learning how to use your camera off auto

Today I had a great class in the office where I was teaching two lovely ladies how they can stop using auto on their cameras and start getting creative. They each had a good SLR camera and extra lens but were not sure what it could do.

During the teaching I run through lots of tips and the cameras functions and we also discuss lots of things on the actual composition of the images.


In addition we spend time on the course getting everyone to use their own cameras and we learn how to find the right settings (there are lots of different cameras out there so bring your instruction booklet!).


After lunch it's shooting time and we practise lots of the teaching and create some images together.

If you would like to come along to a class or would like to buy a Gift Voucher for someone else to attend please do contact me 



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