Posts with tag: "Essex Family photographer"

Learning to use your camera off auto!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Learning to use your camera off auto!

Learning how to use your camera off auto will really step up your photography game.As a Photographer, I know my way around a camera - what all of the buttons do, what each of the functions mean, and how to change the settings to get the best results out of each and every shot.However, I appreciate that not everyone has that knowledge. For some people, learning how to take their camera of auto and switch to manual settings is an important step in ensuring they can take great photographs. That's why I also offer Photography training. I am always happy to host an in-person or virtual photography training session to help you improve your photography knowledge and skills.Learning how to use your ...

First Post My Love, My Life - Feb 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Learning to use your camera off auto!

Normally my blog posts are clients (unless I can persuade the family to model!) however at the start of 2014 I was lucky to join a photographers' group - My love, My life -  where the aim is for us to take some time out and to shoot images of our own children to capture our own memories :), exactly as we love to for our clients.  As you all know life flies by and it gets even quicker when you have children, with hardly a moment to think! As a photographer, I have a camera in my hand a lot of the time and I am afraid our children are very camera aware because of it! so it's harder to capture them relaxed and unawares which is my preferred style. My husband and I have three ...

Something different for Fathers Day
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Learning to use your camera off auto!

Recently I was discussing how hard it can be to buy gifts for men and it got me thinking about what to buy my husband for his birthday and then also Fathers Day as both are close together. I am a photographer as you may know and I love natural light shoots so it occured to me that I should put my skills to use for my own family. I persuaded my husband and the children to go for a walk to the water near to where we live and the images below were captured on that walk.  I am now going to create these and others from the walk into a special present for Fathers day from the children to their Daddy.So if you are looking for a gift for a Dad you know, how about a voucher for a location shoot ...